safe driving

Why You Shouldn’t Post on Social Media About Your Accident

In today's digital age, sharing every aspect of our lives on social media has become second nature. However, posting about your accident on social media can have unintended and detrimental consequences regarding personal injury cases. In this blog post, we'll explore why you should exercise caution and refrain from discussing your accident on social...

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Summer Driving: Vehicle Safety Checklist

Summer is here, which means people are driving more and traveling for vacations. Which makes it a great time to review this vehicle safety checklist from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Before you get in the car and drive off, make sure everything is in good working order. Summer Driving Checklist Battery...

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Tips for Driving in Wintry Weather

With the arrival of Ohio's first big winter storm, now is a good time to review tips for safe driving on snow and ice. Edmunds published an article with expert advice for staying in control of your vehicle during inclement weather. Stay Home The best tip is the most obvious. When faced with difficult...

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4 ways to stay safe on Ohio roads this St. Patrick’s Day

Whether you are planning to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day or not this year, you should be aware that the roads may be more dangerous than usual. Besides the ever-present threat of distracted and reckless drivers, authorities expect there to be an increase in drunk drivers. Holidays and weekends are times when there is already...

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How safe is GPS use while driving?

When you think of distracted driving, what comes to mind? Most people think of talking on a cell phone or sending a text message while driving. But there are many other forms of distracted driving that can be just as dangerous. (more…)

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Staying Safe On The Roads This Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day is just around the corner. For many individuals and families, it means planning one last summer outing. Many motorists will be hitting the road, enjoying the last 3-day weekend of the summer. In 2016, Labor Day was September 6th. According to the Ohio Department Of Public Safety, there were more injuries and...

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None 4 Under 21 & Choices Beyond 2016

  The Importance of Making Safe Decisions None 4 Under 21 & Choices Beyond 2016 On Tuesday, April 19, Elk & Elk joined Portage County Safe Communities in presenting the 14th Annual None 4 Under 21 and Choices Beyond Program. Each year nearly 2,000 students from area high schools travel to Hiram College to...

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None 4 Under 21 Focuses on Long-Term Consequences of Decisions

[caption id="attachment_3657" align="alignright" width="300"] Students viewed this terrifying mock crash scene as they entered None 4 Under 21.[/caption] Elk & Elk was the Presenting Sponsor of the 13th annual None 4 Under 21 and Choices Beyond Program, hosted by Portage County Safe Communities at Hiram College. Partner Marilena DiSilvio was the emcee of the afternoon,...

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Prom and Graduation: Safe Driving

Prom and graduation season is exciting, but unfortunately, the months of April, May, and June are also the most dangerous times for high school students. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens. One out of three teen crashes is alcohol related and distracted driving results in thousands of deaths. To help...

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Tips to Avoid Traffic Accidents

by Arthur M. Elk As a car accident lawyer, I have represented numerous plaintiffs in cases where someone made an error in judgment on the road. Many traffic accidents are the result of distractions, frustrations, impatience, or simply a lack of attention and awareness. Here are a few easy tips on how to avoid...

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