motor vehicle accident

Filing a Claim after a Hit and Run Accident in Ohio Personal Injury attorney David Elk recounts what happened to a former U.S. Navy seal when he was thrown from his motorcycle in a hit and run accident.   If you’ve been involved in a car accident, nothing is more frustrating and alarming than the other driver speeding off from the scene, failing to take...

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How Long Will My Accident Case Take? Ohio personal injury attorney Mindy Elk Fisher shares important information about filing a claim after a motor vehicle accident.   Dealing with the aftermath of an automobile accident can be frustrating and exhausting as you deal with the other driver, their insurance company and your own insurance company to clean up the mess....

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The Dangers of Untrained Semi-Truck Drivers

by Arthur Elk How are you behind the wheel of a moving truck? If you're like most people, you probably have to take extra precautions because you're a little unsteady at the wheel. Now imagine that you're driving an 18-wheeler and are trying to navigate 80,000 pounds of metal and cargo. That's about 16...

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Uninsured Drivers: How They Can Affect You

I'm sure you don't think much about uninsured drivers, but it's very important to understand how they can affect every one of us on the roads. You should know what it means to be involved in an accident with an uninsured driver. Even when all drivers involved in the accident are insured, it can...

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GM Recalls another 3.16 Million Vehicles

General Motors has announced yet another recall of 3.13 million vehicles with ignition switch problems. The defect can cause engines to shut off, leaving unsuspecting motorists to struggle with a sudden loss of power steering and power brakes, and, in the event of a crash, the air bags may fail to deploy. The defect has...

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Should You Store Your Car for Evidence after an Accident?

by  Arthur M. Elk If you have recently been involved in an automobile accident and your car has been totaled, you might be tempted to simply rid yourself of the remaining metal scraps. However, your vehicle might contain important evidence related to the crash. In some cases, you may be required to have it placed in a...

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Calculating Future Medical Costs Ohio attorney Bill Price talks about what to do if your child has been severely injured in an accident and now needs long-term care. Dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be very challenging, confusing and emotional.  Doctor bills, insurance claims, and other issues won't wait for injuries to heal. What’s even more...

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How is My Motorcycle Case Different? Ohio attorney Art Elk puts his passion for motorcycles and his knowledge of personal injury law together to help victims of motorcycle accidents. If someone mentions a motor vehicle accident, many people tend to imagine an automobile being involved in a wreck with another automobile. However, if you’ve been involved in an accident...

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Vehicle Recalls Abound

Recently, General Motors has been the subject of extensive media attention and congressional hearings amid allegations the car manufacturer covered up a dangerous ignition switch defect that has been linked to 31 crashes and 13 deaths. However, GM isn’t the only auto manufacturer experiencing problems. The Motley Fool writes: “Meanwhile, competitors in the automotive...

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What To Do If the At-fault Driver Has Little or No Insurance Ohio attorney Michael Eisner discusses what to do if you were injured in a car accident by a driver who does not have insurance or only carries very little coverage. Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can be a very stressful situation as you try to recover from your injuries and resolve...

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