Consumer Protection

This Text is a Scam

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is sending out a warning about a new scam involving text messages about unemployment insurance. [caption id="attachment_33864" align="alignright" width="326"] If you receive a text like this, do not respond to it.[/caption] If you received a text like the one pictured, do not respond to it or click any attachments...

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FBI Issues Warning About Fake Vaccine Cards

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a new warning to the public: if you make or buy a fake COVID-19 vaccination record card, you are breaking the law. The Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General and the FBI are advising the public to be aware of: Individuals selling fake...

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Statute of Limitations – How Long Do I Have to File a Claim in Ohio?

What is a Statute of Limitations? Most people have heard the phrase "statute of limitations," but what does it really mean? In legal terms, statute of limitations sets limits on the length of time available to take legal action. The time limits vary depending on the state and the type of case. For personal...

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When to Buy New Tires

It can be easy to forget that tires are the most important safety feature on a vehicle. But, if you stop to think about it, it's easy to see why. Tires have direct contact with the road. They have a huge impact on riding, handling and braking. High-Performing Tires For ideal performance, tires should:...

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Elder Abuse: Signs, Prevention and Where to Turn for Help

Elder abuse is a major societal problem. It occurs when someone knowingly, intentionally or negligently causes harm—or a serious risk of harm—to a vulnerable person. COVID-19 has done nothing to help the situation. In fact, PBS discovered a strong correlation between the pandemic and nationwide cases of elder abuse and mistreatment. They cited a report from researcher...

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Got Vaccinated? Think Twice Before Sharing on Social Media

You received your COVID-19 vaccine. You're excited to share the good news on social media. Perhaps you want to encourage others to get a vaccine. That's completely normal. In fact, it sends a positive message about public health. There's just one problem. According to the Better Business Burea, sharing a picture of your vaccination...

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How to Avoid Coronavirus Vaccine Scams

Stop us if you have heard this before. COVID-19 scams are on the rise. This time, crooks are taking advantage of the vaccine rollout. Scammers are preying on people's anxiety. They are luring people to get fake vaccines. In many cases, they are tempting Americans with offers that sound too good to be true....

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You Can’t Sue Pfizer or Moderna if You Have Severe Vaccine Side Effects

If you experience severe side effects after getting a Covid vaccine, there is basically no one to hold responsible in a U.S. court of law. According to CNBC, the federal government—through the PREP Act—has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their coronavirus vaccines. [caption id="attachment_32723"...

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Good Giving Guidelines

The United States is a generous country. In 2019, Americans contributed almost $450 billion to charitable causes. Corporate giving increased to $21.09 billion while foundation giving reached an impressive $75.69 billion. In fact, charitable giving accounted for 2.1 percent of gross domestic product in 2018. This is the time of year when people traditionally...

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How to Prevent Holiday Package Theft

The holidays are here! Sadly, so too are package thieves. Around the country, more than 1.7 million packages are stolen or go missing every day, adding up to more than $25 million in lost goods and services, according to an analysis by José Holguín-Veras, an engineering professor and director of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute...

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