Scam Alert: Home Improvement Cons
Posted in Consumer Protection on June 1, 2021
Better Business Bureau (BBB) issued a warning about a scam involving fraudulent home improvement contractors.
After major weather events, consumers often seek out contractors for home repairs. BBB says in instances like these, be wary of high-pressure sales tactics, upfront fees and fly-by-night businesses.
Scams usually start off with a knock on the door, a flyer or an ad. A contractor may offer a low price or a short timeframe. One common method is when the crook claims to be working in your neighborhood on another project and has leftover supplies.

BBB issued a warning about home improvement scams.
To protect yourself, follow these tips from BBB:
- Watch out for “red flags.”
- Say no to cash-only deals, high-pressure sales tactics, high upfront payments, handshake deals without a contract and on-site inspections.
- Ask for references and check them out.
- Bad contractors will be hesitant to share this information. Scammers will not wait for you to do your research.
- Know the law.
- Work with local businesses that have proper identification, licensing and insurance.
Find trusted, vetted home improvement contractors near you and read tips on hiring a home improvement contractor.
For more information, check out this BBB tip on storm chasers. And before you hire anybody, read these tips on hiring a contractor.
To report a scam, go to BBB Scam Tracker.