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Ban of Menthol Cigarettes on the Horizon

Smokers of menthol cigarettes may soon be facing the difficult choice of either switching to regular cigarettes or kicking the habit altogether. A massive 153-page preliminary study released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) this week found that adding menthol to cigarettes may cause new smokers to pick up the habit more easily and… read more

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New Rules for Truck Drivers Spur Debate

The new hours-of-service rules reflect the administration’s concerns that truck drivers who do not get enough rest put other motorists at risk. Studies conducted by the FMCSA concluded that working long hours on a continuing basis can lead to chronic fatigue, a high risk of crashes, and a number of serious chronic health conditions in… read more

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Decongestants May Cause Birth Defects

A new study reveals that using over-the-counter decongestants during pregnancy may increase the risk of a child being born with birth defects. Scientists at the Slone Epidemiology Center at Boston University interviewed nearly 20,000 mothers to find out what drugs they had taken while they were pregnant. What they found was a link between several… read more

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22 Infected in Deadly Ohio Legionnaires’ Outbreak

UPDATE: Total count of infected persons is now 27. A retirement community in Reynoldsburg, Ohio is the center of the state’s worst Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in decades, infecting 22 27 people and leaving two dead. Officials from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are working with the Ohio Department of Health and local county… read more

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Groups want new safety regulations for window coverings

We’ve known for years that the cords of window coverings can be deadly to children. But despite voluntary efforts by manufacturers to create safer designs, about once a month a child dies from window cord strangulation and dozens more are severely injured. Recently, several safety advocate groups jointly filed a petition with the Consumer Product… read more

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Get your Car Insurance Company to Work for You

by Arthur Elk Insurance companies can often seem like large, impersonal corporations that are protecting their own interests above all else. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Your insurance company provides a service that you contracted as a customer, so you deserve to be treated as such. As an experienced car accident lawyer,… read more

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China Charges Drug Company with Bribery

Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline has been accused of bribing government officials and doctors to boost its drug sales in China. According to Chinese officials, the British drugmaker was involved in a conspiracy involving hundreds of millions of dollars that has spanned several years. Chinese authorities claim that senior Glaxo executives used travel agencies to launder money… read more

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Extreme Heat on the Job

As the mercury rises, my heart goes out to workers laboring in the hot sun. They repair our roads, cut our lawns, harvest our food, and in some cases, literally provide the roof over our heads. Many of these jobs have obvious dangers, but in the summer months, workers exposed to hot and humid conditions… read more

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First Non-hormonal Drug Approved by FDA for Hot Flashes

If you’ve been suffering from hot flashes and night sweats, but were reluctant to take medications with hormones, you now have an alternative. The FDA announced that it has approved Brisdelle, the first non-hormonal drug to treat moderate to severe hot flashes. That’s great news, right? Well, sort of. It turns out the drug isn’t… read more

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FDA stops Antibiotic-Tainted Cattle

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) entered a consent decree of permanent injunction against a Vermont dairy farm for selling cows and bull calves, containing illegal amounts of antibiotics, for food. According to an FDA press release, the decree prevents Lawson Farm from purchasing or selling any animals for use as food unless and… read more

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