Medical Malpractice

How Delayed Hospital Treatment Can Harm You

Most people expect longer wait times when they go to the emergency room, especially if they are not experiencing an immediate life-threatening situation. Most individuals who go to the ER go through a triage process initiated by intake personnel, usually a nurse. However, what if your wait time at the hospital was incredibly long?...

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Why do doctors misdiagnose diabetes?

Feeling symptoms such as increased thirst, blurred vision and frequent urination, you sought medical care. However, the doctor mistook diabetes for another condition, delaying you from receiving the medical treatment you needed. Unfortunately, misdiagnosis of diabetes occurs all too often. According to a study published in the Clinical Diabetes journal, physicians misdiagnosed type 1...

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Know the signs of retained surgical items

Many patients expect that they will recover quickly in the days and weeks after a procedure. If patients have retained surgical items, though, the recovery process may be more difficult. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, doctors leave surgical items behind in about 1,500 procedures each year. Although hospitals put measures in...

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4 Common Types of Surgical Errors

Surgical errors are one of the leading causes of death for patients in the United States. Medical errors are a serious public health problem and pose a substantial threat to patient safety. An “active error” occurs when a physician does something incorrectly in the operating room, thus creating a surgical mistake. 1. Surgery on the wrong...

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False positives in prostate cancer biopsies

Prostate cancer is a serious health concern, especially for older men. Getting a prostate exam can be intimidating for some, and having a biopsy to check for cancerous cells can be even more difficult. People in Washington State should know that liquid biopsies can sometimes return a false positive due to unrelated, noncancerous mutations....

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Convolutional neural networks and misdiagnosis of melanoma

Patients in Washington and around the country want certainty when it comes to their cancer diagnoses. The idea that someone can misidentify a lesion is terribly scary for any patient. There can be serious health consequences when a doctor error happens. Understanding melanoma Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. It can...

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What strategies can you use to prevent medication errors?

When you go to a hospital in Washington, you expect to receive great medical care. Unfortunately, you could become a victim of a medication error if you do not advocate for your own health and ask the right questions. If you have an upcoming visit to a health care facility, or if you take medication,...

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What is Erb’s palsy?

Washington parents like you expect the best care when you are dealing with matters of childbirth. After all, maternal care has come a long way. In the United States, there are hardly any fatalities related to childbirth. Even birthing injuries have been drastically lowered.But this does not mean there are no risks at all....

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Can I sue the hospital for malpractice?

Medical malpractice suits can be very complicated, and many people do not even know who to sue for their injuries. For example, many people wonder if they should sue the hospital itself for malpractice, or merely the doctor that performed the procedure.The reality is that in certain cases, yes, you can sue the hospital...

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Medical mistakes cause more than 250,000 deaths annually

You know your body better than anyone, so when something is ailing you, you probably recognize that something is amiss and seek treatment accordingly. If you are like most Americans, you probably place a good deal of faith in your primary care doctor and his or her ability to properly diagnose your condition and...

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