Seattle Burn Injury Attorney
Burning and scalding can be one of the most severe kinds of accidents, leaving permanent scars on a person and sometimes leaving them unable to perform tasks as they once did. Chemical and thermal burns alike, scalds can have acute consequences for a victim.
Employing some of the most talented and knowledgeable Seattle burn injury attorneys, Elk & Elk is sympathetic to the consequences of a burn accident. Many victims of serious injuries have walked through our doors seeking legal attention for their damages – a service we are more than willing to provide. Contact our firm today if you or a love one has experienced burn injuries from the negligence of another. Our firm offers free consultations.
Why Hire Our Burn Injury Lawyers
- Those suffering personal injuries who turn to Elk & Elk have received a combined total of over $1 billion in compensation for their damages.
- Multiple attorneys and injury professionals at our firm have successfully settled numerous multi-million dollar suits.
- Our Seattle personal injury lawyers have a deep understanding of the injury law and are well-suited to handle complex burn and scald injury claims throughout Washington.
Burn and Scalding Accidents Require Experienced Legal Assistance
These types of accidents are complex and often require assistance from experienced lawyers. A Seattle burn injury attorney with extensive knowledge of fire and burn laws can guide you on your first steps to take following the accident. If you need to collect any documents or other forms of evidence, your legal representative will be able to tell you exactly what you need. We will also use our resources to conduct an independent investigation into the incident to uncover additional evidence that can help prove liability.
Furthermore, they will be able to correctly and effectively file all of this information, and more. Finally, your attorney will be able to fight against any claims or objections by opposing parties, should they arise.
Types of Burn Accidents
There are a myriad of complications that come with varying types of burning and scalding accidents. Some of the most well-known include:
- Thermal burns. Thermal burns raise the temperature of exposed tissue on a human. They are the most common and can cause charring or even cell death. Hot objects, scalding liquids or steam, and flames, are all examples of thermal burns. Burns suffered in a house fire or the spillage of an excessively hot drink would classify as a thermal burn.
- Chemical burns. Burns caused by a number of different kinds of harsh, toxic chemicals. These can cause serious and sometimes permanent damage that can lead to disability or disfigurement.
- Electrical burns. These types of burns are caused by an electrical current. This can be caused, for example, by a negligent landlord refusing to properly fix wiring in a rental property that burns you or a loved one.
- Radiation burns. These types of burns are caused by prolonged exposure to the UV rays of the sun. The negligence of a caregiver to a child in the sun could result in a radiation burn upon the child, requiring the need for medical intervention.
- Friction burns. Friction burns are those created from damage done to the cells and from the heat generated by the intense rubbing of material against one’s skin. An example of a friction burn accident could be a small child who falls onto a treadmill in motion and burns the skin that came into contact with the treadmill.
Contact an Attorney at Elk & Elk Co., Ltd for Assistance
Finding a proper solution following a burn and scalding case can be nearly impossible without legal counsel. The complex legal web of statutes of limitations, exceptions, and case filings is an extremely difficult undertaking without the help of a Seattle burn injury attorney or personal injury attorney.
Many residents of Washington state have turned to Elk & Elk to seek lawyers who are passionate and aggressive in their fields of law, yet empathetic to the damages incurred by the victim. If you are one of these people, please consider calling 1-844-ELK-WEST (1-844-355-9378) or clicking here to reach out to us over the web.