Birth Injuries

What Causes Cephalopelvic Disproportion?

Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) is a condition where a baby has trouble going through the birth canal. The difficulties could be caused by a variety of reasons, including the size of the baby’s head, the size or shape of the mother’s pelvis, or the baby’s positioning. Here, our Seattle birth injury lawyers want to discuss...

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Signs Your Child May Have Suffered a Birth Injury

The birth of a child should be an exhilarating and joyful experience, but the reality is that birth injuries do occur. In some cases, the signs and symptoms of a birth injury appear right away, but that is not always the case. Here, we want to discuss some of the signs that your child...

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Watch for these signs of cerebral palsy in young babies

Cerebral palsy is a motor disability, meaning that it affects your baby’s ability to move normally. The cause of cerebral palsy is damage that occurs to a child’s brain in early infancy, sometimes even during birth. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child has cerebral palsy, it is important...

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Know the facts about hypoxia

During the delivery process, an infant’s brain may not receive enough oxygen. This condition is known as hypoxia. If a baby does not receive treatment, he or she may develop a brain injury. Several elements of the birthing process may cause an infant to develop hypoxia. According to FindLaw, babies may experience a lack of...

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Is delayed cord clamping dangerous?

Usually, after the birth of a baby, the doctor quickly clamps the umbilical cord. However, there is also the option of waiting a little while to clamp the cord. This option of delayed cord clamping, according to the American Pregnancy Association, can help increase the volume of a baby’s blood and the amount of iron in...

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What are the dangers of vacuum-assisted birth?

A vacuum-assisted birth uses a special tool that helps to pull the baby from the womb. The Mayo Clinic explains the decision to use the vacuum often occurs when you are in active labor and there is an issue with the baby making it through the birth canal.Often, the reasons a doctor may decide...

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What is episiotomy?

An episiotomy is a surgical procedure that involves incising the skin of the perineum. This is the tissue of your pelvic region that occurs between the anus and the vagina. Doctors sometimes perform the surgery to assist with a difficult childbirth. However, as the Mayo Clinic explains, it is no longer as commonplace as it once...

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What causes persistent pulmonary hypertension in newborns?

The birth of your child should be an exciting time, but if he or she suffers a birth injury, it can make this a scary time. Luckily, most birth situations end without any complications or issues. However, it can help to learn more about potential issues that your baby may be at risk for....

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Signs of a possible birth injury

When a birth injury impacts a child’s well-being, the effects of the injury are not always immediately apparent. After parents bring the infant home, they may notice troubling signs that could indicate medical concerns. Seek help from your child’s pediatrician if you notice any of these potential birth injury symptoms. Musculoskeletal symptoms Birth injuries may...

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Erb’s palsy: causes, risk factors and treatment

As an expectant Washington mother, you may have heard that you should “expect the unexpected” when raising children, but when it comes to your delivery, itself, you are probably hoping for a smooth, predictable process. Unfortunately, though, some deliveries are far more difficult than others, and in some cases, difficult deliveries can lead to...

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