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Woman’s kidney accidentally removed during spine surgery

While shocking, news of wrong-site surgeries may surface often enough to show how this issue continues to be one that plagues the healthcare industry. Many in Seattle might question how a wrong-site surgery can occur, given the assumed intelligence of the practitioners involved, as well as the understanding that patients must first consent to any...

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Distracted driving blamed for accident that killed woman

When people get in their car to drive somewhere in Washington, they take on the responsibility to drive safely and follow the rules to protect themselves and their passengers. However, they cannot control the actions of other drivers who may not be paying as much attention to the critical task of driving. In unfortunate...

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Committed families can protect their elderly loved ones

When families in Washington make the difficult decision to place their elderly loved one in the care of a nursing home facility, chances are the weeks and months leading up to the transition were filled with apprehension. Despite their efforts to arrange their care for their family member, a conclusion was reached that it...

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The limitations of Washington’s wrongful death laws

In many areas of the country, individuals who have lost a loved one in an accident due to another person’s negligence are eligible for wrongful death benefits, regardless of whether that individual supported a spouse, child or family member. But Washington has limitations on who can receive wrongful death benefits.  In Washington, the husband,...

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What can you do to stay safe on the roads this New Year’s Eve?

According to a 2015 report by CBS News, 30 U.S. residents die a day in motor vehicle car accidents involving an alcohol-impaired driver. This stat comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is no secret that this number spikes exponentially during the holiday season, especially right around New Year’s. In fact,...

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Fatigue can be dangerous for health care providers

When people need to visit their doctor in Washington, they place their full trust in their health care provider’s ability to thoroughly assess their condition and provide recommendations for treatment and recovery from their symptoms. However, there are undoubtedly times when doctors are ineffective in caring for their patients due to misunderstandings, inadequate information...

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Drunk driving deaths increase in Washington State

People who live in Washington State have no doubt heard for years and even for decades about how dangerous it is to drive a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol. Unfortunately, it seems that despite the clear facts, there continue to be too many people who simply refuse to make the safe and responsible choice...

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What is duty of care?

When it comes to medical malpractice in Washington, it is important to understand a concept called duty of care. Your whole case will rest on its presence. If you cannot prove there was a duty of care, then you cannot prove your case. The National Law Review explains this is the responsibility of a medical...

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Complications and risks of C-sections

According to March of Dimes, a doctor may schedule a cesarean section if there are problems during your pregnancy that may make vaginal birth risky for mom, baby or both. If a person has a healthy pregnancy, and if the delivery doctor does not detect any issues that may make vaginal birth a dangerous...

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Are Washington drivers really that bad?

We have previously written about drivers in Washington’s metropolitan areas. Drivers in three of Washington’s cities – Bellevue, Tacoma, and Seattle – filed an above-average number of car insurance claims compared to other metro areas around the U.S. Out of 200 U.S. cities, Seattle was ranked near the bottom in terms of driver safety....

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