auto accident

Why Won’t My Insurance Company Just Settle?

We see it all the time: thousands and even millions of dollars in settlements for people who are injured in all types of accidents all over the country. Why then, is your insurance company holding out on paying you a settlement? As an injured victim, you need the insurance company to settle in order...

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How to Combat Low Insurance Limits and Uninsured Drivers Any responsible driver knows they must carry insurance that will help cover not only themselves in an accident but also anyone else they may have harmed. Unfortunately, there are plenty of drivers out there that either have very low insurance coverage or are simply driving around without any insurance at all. How do...

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What to Keep in Your Car in Case of an Emergency

by Arthur M. Elk No one likes to spend time thinking about the possibility of a life-threatening collision out on the road, but sometimes auto accidents are completely out of one’s control. If you’re involved in a car accident, experienced attorneys at our firm can handle any legal or financial ramifications. Unfortunately, I can’t...

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Finding The Right Repair Shop After An Accident


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Airbag recall may extend to Honda

by  Arthur M. Elk The National Highway traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is investigating older model minivans to determine whether faulty airbags should lead to a recall. Reports indicate that front air bags on 2003-04 model Honda Odyssey minivans can spontaneously inflate, possibly causing an accident and injury to drivers and passengers.  When combined with two...

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$58M awarded in fracking related trucking accident

With the increase in hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) gas well sites around the country, many are touting the economic boost the industry is forecasted to provide. More well sites mean more jobs. However, it also means an increase in the amount of semis and other large commercial vehicles. The increased traffic has caused concern throughout...

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