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Mistakes to Avoid Over Labor Day Weekend

Mistakes to Avoid Over Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day Weekend is the perfect time for family and friends to get together before summer ends. Although it can be a fun time, it is still important to be aware of the dangers surrounding certain activities.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning While Boating

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless gas that is emitted in the air and can be poisonous enough to cause death. According to the CDC, at least 430 people die and 50,000 are hospitalized yearly due to carbon monoxide poisoning. When a boat is idling or driving at slow speeds, CO can build up.

You may not realize this build-up is happening while celebrating. Not only could this kill someone on the boat, but people around the boat as well. Some symptoms to look out for include headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion, etc.

How to avoid CO poisoning on a boat

  • Maintain engine and upkeep on the boat
  • Educate friends and family members about this possibility and the risks involved
  • Avoid getting too close to the back of the boat during activities (skiing, tubing, etc.)
  • Don’t swim around the boat while it is running
  • Install carbon monoxide detectors throughout the cabin

Firework Accidents

With the end of summer approaching, that includes the end of prime firework season as well. As the weekend comes, it is important to note that firework accidents can happen anytime. Click here to see if fireworks are permitted in your city.

Accidents could include fires, burns, cuts, among others. These accidents can easily happen to anyone, it’s important to take safety precautions to avoid them.

Ways to Avoid Firework Accidents

  • Keep children away at all times
  • Avoid drinking and messing around with fireworks
  • If setting off fireworks, follow safety instructions
  • Maintain a safe distance from where they are being set off
  • Don’t set off fireworks toward groups of people or buildings

Drinking and Driving

There is never a good reason to drink and drive. If someone is impaired and attempts to drive away, it is important to take responsibility and ensure the safety of yourself and others by alerting the authorities. Every year, approximately 456 people die over Labor Day weekend, 2% lower than the 2021 season.

A great alternative is being or getting a designated driver. Over the next few days, taking turns with friends or family to stay sober would allow everyone to come and go safely. Another way to ensure everyone stays safe is to stay overnight wherever drinking is taking place. This way, everyone can enjoy drinking together without getting behind the wheel. The last solution would be to consider taking a ride-share service. Companies such as Uber or Lyft are perfect options for getting to a destination safely.

Pool Accidents

Hanging by the pool for the weekend is relaxing, but there are still potential injuries that can happen. Things like drowning and falls can occur when someone is not paying attention in or around pools. While these are worst-case scenarios, it is something to be aware of before having a pool day. Whether at a community or backyard pool, these safety aspects will help avoid any potential injuries.

Pool safety measures

  • Be alert
  • Avoid running by the pool
  • Wear the appropriate swim gear
  • Don’t leave children alone
  • Avoid heavily drinking and swimming

Grilling Accidents

On average, there are 10 deaths, 100 injuries, and $37 million in property damages each year from using a grill. While cooking out this weekend, try to avoid common grilling mistakes by following these tips.

Ways to stay safe while grilling

  • Never leave the grill unattended
  • Follow instructions when firing up a grill
  • Grill outside in an open environment
  • Have someone assist while grilling
  • Check safety features for grill before starting

Don’t forget to have a fun and safe Labor Day!