Coming Soon to a Road Near You: More Motorcycles
Posted in Accident & Injury, Automobile, Car Accident, Motorcycle Accident on April 19, 2021
With the arrival of spring comes warm weather, fresh flowers, green grass and … motorcycles?!? That’s right. According to AAA, Ohioans can expect more motorcycles on the roads in the coming months.
Despite the pandemic, 2020 saw a surge in motorcycle fatalities (212) and serious injuries (1,176). These numbers represent an increase of 33 percent and 24 percent, respectively, from the prior year.
“As warmer weather approaches, it is imperative that motorists be aware of an increase in motorcycles on our roadways,” said Colonel Richard S. Fambro, Patrol superintendent. “Motorcycle safety is a shared responsibility and we must all be cognizant of our surroundings as we travel.”

Motorcycle deaths increased in 2020.
AAA safety tips for motorcyclists
- Wear safety gear.
- Helmets greatly reduce the risk of injury or death in a crash.
- Stay visible.
- Keep headlights, markers and taillights on at dusk and dark, or rainy weather.
- Wear bright clothing or put reflective strips on your bike.
- Avoid being in the blind spots of cars and trucks.
- Be predictable.
- Use turn signals, avoid lane splitting and travel the speed limit.
- Never ride impaired.
- Last year in Ohio, more than 50 percent of fatally injured motorcycle drivers were driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Get proper training.
- Completing a motorcycle safety course can make you a better rider.
- Safety course completion can save you money on motorcycle insurance.
AAA safety tips for motorists
- Provide motorcyclists enough room to maneuver.
- Never try to share a lane with a motorcycle.
- Check your mirrors carefully when changing lanes.
- Motorcycles may be in your blind spots or difficult to see because of their smaller size.
- AAA reports that most accident involving motorcycles occurs when cars fail to check their blind spots before pulling out in front of a motorcycle.
- Avoid distracted driving.
Did you or your loved one suffer a serious injury in a motorcycle accident? If so, the skilled Columbus motorcycle accident attorneys at Elk & Elk are here for you. Fill out our online form for a FREE no-obligation case review or call us anytime at 1-800-ELK-OHIO.