Are workers’ rights further limited after recent Supreme Court decision?

Employees who have grievances against their employers may now be limited in their ability to take legal action. A recent Supreme Court decision could affect more than 25 million people, including both employees and employers. In Epic Systems Corp v. Lewis, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 majority that employers could limit the...

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Helmet technology reduces bicyclists’ injury risk

We all know that helmets save lives, but have you ever considered how the particular design of a helmet may impact its performance in the event of a bicycle accident? A new study has determined big differences in the protection a helmet’s design can provide against a concussion. New anti-concussion helmet technology may help...

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Taking legal action after a crash with a speeding driver

We’ve all seen them: Drivers who speed by us on the highway or come racing up behind us on a busy road. These are drivers who follow us too closely, race through intersections and weave in and out of traffic. Often, just seeing a driver like this on the road can make anyone feel...

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Injured over the Fourth of July? Know your legal options

The Fourth of July might be behind us now, but fallout from the holiday could still be ahead for any person who was seriously injured as a result of a celebratory-related accident. More could be on the way, too, as people continue to observe the holiday going into the weekend. There are many types...

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7 Ways to stay cool at work

There’s no question that the summer heat can be dangerous if you work outside. Construction and farm workers, for example, may spend their whole work day outdoors. High temperatures pose an equal threat to some indoor jobs, such as cooking or manufacturing. Wherever you work, it’s important to avoid getting overheated or dehydrated. Here...

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Bicyclists: Is it time to update your equipment?

Did you know that over 80,000 bicyclists went to the emergency room in 2015 for head injuries? Or that 840 riders died in accidents in 2016? Considering the massive number of people injured or killed while riding a bicycle in the U.S. every year, it is crucial to understand what steps we can take...

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How to get your identity back after falling victim to a scam

Identity theft, phone scams, internet scams and similar practices are very common. Scammers are very good at what they do, and can fool even the most careful of consumers. Unfortunately, much damage can be done in these types of scams: People can lose a lot of money and sensitive personal information may be obtained....

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3 ways to keep kids safe in home swimming pools

Movies portray drowning as loud, attention-grabbing incidents, with victims splashing and calling for help until a bystander comes to the rescue. In reality, drowning is often a silent killer that happens too quickly and quietly for anyone to intervene. (more…)

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Why July is the most dangerous month for surgeries

Did you know July is the most dangerous month to undergo surgery? At teaching hospitals across the country, July 1 generally marks the first day on the job for medical school graduates beginning their residencies. While teaching hospitals do their best to create a safe and seamless transition, studies have raised concerns about the...

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5 tips for preventing hot car deaths

When stories about hot car deaths make headlines, most parents have the same reactions: That would never happen to my child. Only a careless parent could put their little ones in that situation. Unfortunately, parents who think they’re immune to the dangers often fail to take proper precautions to avoid these tragic incidents. (more…)

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