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What Types of Compensation Can You Receive After a Car Accident?

Auto Accident

Auto accidents can be devastating and life-altering for anyone involved. In addition to physical injuries, victims may face emotional and financial stress as they recover. Fortunately, compensation is available for those injured in an auto accident.

Types of Compensation 

Auto accident victims may be entitled to several types of compensation. The most common types include:

  • Medical Expenses – Victims may receive compensation for medical treatment related to their injuries. This can include hospitalization, surgery, medication, physical therapy, and more.
  • Lost Wages – If an auto accident victim cannot work due to their injuries, they may be entitled to compensation for their lost wages. This can include both past and future lost earnings.
  • Pain and Suffering – Auto accident victims may also receive compensation for the physical and emotional pain and suffering they experienced due to their injuries. This can include compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Property Damage – If the victim’s vehicle or other property was damaged in the accident, they might be entitled to compensation to cover the cost of repairs or replacement.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, you may be able to file a personal injury claim to seek compensation. Here are the general steps involved in filing a personal injury claim:

  • Seek Medical Treatment – The first step after an accident is to seek medical treatment for any injuries you may have sustained. Your health should always be your top priority.
  • Gather EvidenceAfter seeking medical treatment, gathering evidence to support your claim is crucial. This may include photos of the accident, witness statements, and police reports.
  • Contact an Attorney – It’s always a good idea to consult an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you navigate the claims process and ensure you receive fair compensation.
  • File Your Claim –  Your attorney will help you prepare and file your personal injury claim with the appropriate insurance company or court.
  • Negotiate a Settlement – After filing your claim, you and your attorney will negotiate a settlement with the insurance company or other party responsible for your injuries. Your case may go to trial if a fair settlement cannot be reached.

Contact Elk + Elk

If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, Elk + Elk can help. Call now for a free case review at 1-800-ELK-OHIO (1-800-355-6446). We provide answers and support throughout the entire process.