Infant Asphyxia and Hemorrhages During Birth

It is natural for you to feel anxious about the birthing process, and the stress that you and your baby will undergo. However, a good Seattle medical team should be prepared to recognize any issues that may lead to complications with breathing or bleeding in the brain, and deal with these both before and after the birth. In the event that something goes wrong, we at Elk & Elk Co., Ltd., have experience investigating the circumstances and identifying when appropriate actions were not taken to prevent further damage.

According to the Merck Manual, an infant who has suffered from asphyxia may display a wide variety of symptoms because of the lack of oxygen in the blood, or because the tissues do not receive enough blood. Your physician may notice that there is difficulty breathing, slow heart rate, seizures or lethargy. Brain damage is often also an issue. Permanent effects of these may be lessened or eliminated with blood transfusions, antibiotics, or breathing treatments and support, depending on the diagnosis.

As your baby moves through the birth canal, he or she may sustain a hemorrhage in the brain. These do not always cause issues, and often the right treatment given immediately results in complete recovery. Seizures, lethargy or abnormally high levels of bilirubin, which causes jaundice, may prompt your doctor to order intravenous fluids, as well as the appropriate support of body functions that may have been affected.

If your doctor fails to diagnose or monitor your newborn’s issue, the permanent effects of this negligence could result in physical and emotional damage, and ongoing medical care and expenses. More information about birth injuries is available on our web page.