Medical Malpractice

About 20% of serious medical conditions misdiagnosed

Becoming a physician requires considerable schooling, and because doctors are typically highly trained, most people tend to believe what they tell them and follow their instructions accordingly. Like everyone else, though, doctors sometimes make mistakes, and when they make diagnostic errors, the repercussions may prove life-threatening. According to AARP, diagnostic errors are entirely too frequent across...

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Can you sue a pharmaceutical company for side effects

According to NCBI, after treatment, you may notice that you are experiencing some side effects as a result of the medication you are taking. In such cases, you may file a lawsuit against the manufacturing company if the situation persists. You may either file a product liability or a defective product claim. These cases are typically personal...

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How can you protect yourself from medical errors?

According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, one in seven Medicare patients in a hospital setting is subject to medical errors. However, AHRQ goes on to explain that medication errors can happen in any setting and at any touchpoint within the health care system. Medication errors can be dangerous, if not fatal....

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APGAR evaluates your newborn’s well-being

For soon-to-be Washington parents, choosing the best doctor and hospital for their circumstances and family history is critical. While most births go smoothly, having an experienced medical team is essential if complications arise. At Elk & Elk Co., Ltd, we often help families fight for compensation for birth injuries due to negligence. Your child...

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New study reports medication errors cause more harm than you think

Every medical professional has a duty to provide the best possible care to each patient they see. Unfortunately, medical errors are still common in hospitals and care centers across the country. According to NBC News, nearly one in ten patients suffer complications or severe injuries because of preventable medical errors. And NBC cites a recent...

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Medical errors the nation’s third-most-common cause of death

When you feel unwell and are not sure why, you probably schedule a visit with your Washington doctor so he or she can determine the problem and tell you how you can fix it. Regrettably, though, today’s doctors and physicians are not immune to making mistakes, and there are numerous areas in which they...

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The role of electronic medical records in medical malpractice

Advanced technology has infiltrated nearly all areas of daily life, including health care practices. New technology has made it possible for physicians to share medical records, transmit prescriptions and record notes regarding patients’ history, allergies, adverse reactions, conditions and treatments. Just like other types of technology, however, glitches and mistakes can occur. Yet, when...

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How do you know when you might have a case against your doctor?

If you are ill or seeking medical attention, you likely believe your doctor should be able to treat your symptoms. And while many physicians are extremely capable, they are human.Physicians must complete many years of education and supervised training before becoming licensed medical professionals. However, that does not mean they cannot make mistakes. Yet,...

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Recognizing a misdiagnosis before it is too late

Doctors in Washington uphold the responsibility of helping their patients to manage unwanted symptoms, maintain their health and regain optimal well-being when they are unwell. One of the ways that they do this is by making diagnoses based on a patient’s symptoms and medical history. A delayed diagnosis, an incorrect diagnosis or ignored symptoms...

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A hospital doesn’t always aid in your health and recovery

For most parents, admitting your child to the hospital may seem unthinkable. But in extreme instances of medical concern, you may have no choice but to leave your child in a doctor’s care.If your child requires surgery or becomes ill and needs medical attention, you may need to admit them to the hospital for...

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