scam alert

Spotting and Avoiding Social Media Scams

In today's digital world, social media has become a central part of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and the latest trends. But along with the fun and excitement, there are also risks lurking in the shadows – social media scams. In fact, we experienced our own social media scam recently with a...

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5 Vacation Scams to Avoid

When planning a vacation, be on the lookout for false promises and a sense of urgency. You don't want to pay for something that doesn't exist. Better Business Bureau (BBB) published its list of five vacation scams to watch out for when making travel plans. 1. Vacation Rental Con Be wary of listings for...

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Got Vaccinated? Think Twice Before Sharing on Social Media

You received your COVID-19 vaccine. You're excited to share the good news on social media. Perhaps you want to encourage others to get a vaccine. That's completely normal. In fact, it sends a positive message about public health. There's just one problem. According to the Better Business Burea, sharing a picture of your vaccination...

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Stimulus Check Scam Alert

Details The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) is warning people about a new stimulus check scam. If you are using Pandemic Unemployment assistance, you could be targeted. The scam sends messages falsely using the ODJFS logo. It tells recipients that they are approved for a stimulus check. They are asked to...

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