
Garage Sales – what you need to know

Summer time is the peak season for garage sales. Kids and grown-ups alike have fun rummaging through their neighbor’s castoffs – hunting for a bargain or “new” treasure. But did you know when planning a garage sale, there are some very important legal issues to consider? Taking these simple steps before you host a...

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Get your Car Insurance Company to Work for You

by Arthur Elk Insurance companies can often seem like large, impersonal corporations that are protecting their own interests above all else. However, it doesn't have to be that way. Your insurance company provides a service that you contracted as a customer, so you deserve to be treated as such. As an experienced car accident...

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BP Fighting Payments to Spill Victims

In what appears to be an effort to intimidate oil-spill victims, BP is sending out hundreds of letters, warning settlement recipients they may have to return part of the money. BP is currently appealing the settlement process, alleging administration errors that resulted in overpayments and “fictitious awards.” According the Houston Chronicle, “One of the...

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Beware of Travelling Contractors

In the wake of recent storms, Attorney General Mike DeWine has issued a warning regarding traveling contractors. He cautions Ohioans that some contractors may try to take advantage of desperate storm victims as they struggle to rebuild their homes. “After severe weather hits, it’s important to be vigilant about home improvement scams,” DeWine said....

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Wireless Proof of Insurance

You may have seen a certain insurance company’s a commercial – the one with their little “spokes-pig” showing a police officer his proof of insurance on a cell phone. While this may work in some states, it’s not legal in Ohio – yet. The Columbus Dispatch reports that “A proposed change to state law...

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