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Milestones Autism Resources Offers Tool Kits for Parents & Caregivers

As a sponsor of the 14th Annual Milestones Autism Spectrum Disorder Conference, Elk & Elk is excited to help spread the word about the valuable tools and services provided by the organization. Milestones Autism Resources offers more than 900 resources on their website, including a variety of tool kits addressing common challenges faced by parents and caregivers of children with autism.

Learn about some of our favorite Milestones Autism Resources Tool Kits:

• First Diagnosis Tool Kit:

Autism spectrum disorder is the third most common developmental disability in the U.S. A recent government survey suggests autism affects one in 45 children between the ages of 3 and 17. The First Diagnosis Tool Kit walks parents and caregivers through the beginning stages of life with autism, such as recognizing warning signs, scheduling an evaluation and steps to take after receiving a diagnosis.

• Legal Resources Tool Kit:

Milestones assembled the Legal Resources Tool Kit with assistance from special needs attorneys to address questions about situations or issues that may require legal attention. The guide includes information about waivers for financial support, special protections against discipline and bullying and more. While this tool kit is a great starting point, Milestones highly recommends seeking legal advice from an attorney before taking action on a specific issue.

• Homework Tool Kit:

Most kids don’t look forward to homework, but children with autism face additional challenges in this area. Tantrums and attention deficits combined with difficulty organizing and communicating can make the task incredibly frustrating for both students and their parents or caregivers. The Milestones Homework Tool Kit offers advice on developing good study skills, working with your child’s school and teachers, making the decision to hire a tutor and many more tips for success.

• Problem Behaviors Tool Kit:

The Problem Behaviors Tool Kit was developed with help from Rachel Avner Torrance of the Cuyahoga Board of Developmental Disabilities. Problem behaviors are those that threaten the individual with autism or others, or interfere with learning, development and participation in the community. This guide explains common behavioral challenges, analyzes the functions of problematic behavior and identifies strategies for intervention and modification.

• Travel Tips Tool Kit:

Planning a family vacation? Whether you’re traveling by car or plane, your trip will probably involve situations that are stressful for a family member who has autism. The Travel Tips Tool Kit contains ideas for accommodating your loved one and making the journey more enjoyable for everyone.

Interested in learning more about Milestones Autism Resources? Visit the Milestones Resource Center.