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Happy 80th Birthday to Sister Corita!

A few months ago, we received a call from Captain Keith Sulzer of the Bureau of Community Policing in Cleveland. He needed our help with a top-secret mission: a surprise party for Sister Corita’s 80th birthday.

Cleveland’s Mother Theresa

For those of you who don’t know her, Sister Corita Ambro is a truly amazing human being. A Catholic nun, Sister Corita has been serving meals to hungry Cleveland families at the St. Augustine Hunger Center for forty-four years. She’s earned a few nicknames during her decades of service. Some call her “The Angel of Tremont,” to Cleveland Councilman Joe Cimperman, she’s “Cleveland’s Mother Theresa,” but, to David Elk, “She’s just a sweetheart.”

“Sister Corita has devoted her entire life to serving the needy – and not just with food,” explains David Elk, Senior Partner at Elk & Elk. “The St. Augustine Hunger Center also helps people find shelter and assists with utilities.”

Her devotion has inspired countless others. For our part, Elk & Elk has been donating food to the St. Augustine Hunger Center for thirteen years. When asked how he and his brother Art came to be associated with the Center, David explained, “We heard they were in need of food for Thanksgiving – helping the homeless and the disabled – and we wanted to participate.”

Mission Accomplished

Secrets can be hard to keep, but judging by the look on Sister Corita’s face, the party was indeed a surprise. The festivities began with procession into St. Augustine, led by Sgt. Randy Daley on bagpipes—dressed in full Scottish regalia. Celebrating with our favorite octogenarian were Cleveland City Councilmembers Joe Cimperman and Brian Cummins, radio personality Mark “Munch” Bishop of ESPN Cleveland, members of the Cleveland Police Department, and the Guardian Angels. The crowd was treated to entertainment was by the impeccable “Cat-o’-Tonics,” a delightful a Cappella ensemble made up of members of the St. Ignatius High School Choral Program.

Sister Corita received gifts, official proclamations and a rather unusual plaque—with a toilet on it. You see, she was this year’s recipient of the Cleveland Police Department’s “Johnny on the Spot Award.” Usually reserved for police officers, the annual prize is bestowed on individuals who have a knack for being in the right spot at the right time. Although unconventional, we think the accolade suits the Sister to a tee.

From all of us at Elk & Elk, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sister Corita!

Check out the full photo album on our Facebook page!