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Crucial Safety Tips for National Water Safety Month

As summer approaches, more people head to pools, lakes, and beaches to enjoy water activities. While these activities can be fun and relaxing, they also come with risks. May is National Water Safety Month, a month to remind us of the importance of water safety and how to prevent injuries.

How Common Are Water-Related Injuries?

Water-related accidents can cause serious injuries or even death. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that an average of 11 people die every day from drowning, and many more are injured.

Injuries can happen in pools, public swimming areas, lakes, and even bathtubs. Knowing the risks is the first step in preventing accidents.

Common Water-Related Injuries

Water-related injuries can range from minor to severe. Some common types include:

How to Stay Safe

Preventing water-related injuries requires being proactive and following safety tips. Here are some essential ones:

  • Supervision:
  • Swimming Skills:
    • Take swimming lessons to improve your skills and confidence in the water. Knowing how to swim can reduce the risk of drowning.
  • Use Life Jackets:
    • Wear fitted life jackets when engaging in boating, fishing, or water sports. Life jackets can save lives, especially for non-swimmers.
  • Install Barriers:
    • Install fences with self-closing gates around home pools to prevent children from accessing the pool unsupervised. Pool covers and alarms can add extra protection.
  • Avoid Alcohol:
    • Don’t drink alcohol before or during water activities. Alcohol impairs judgment and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents.
  • Learn CPR:
    • Take a CPR course to be prepared in case of an emergency. Knowing CPR can save lives while waiting for medical help.
  • Check Water Depth:
    • Always check the depth before diving or jumping in. Enter feet first the first time to avoid hitting submerged objects.
  • Stay Informed:
    • Pay attention to weather forecasts and water conditions. Avoid swimming in rough water, strong currents, or during storms.

National Water Safety Month is an important time to raise awareness about water safety and preventing injuries. By knowing the risks and following essential safety tips, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from injuries.