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Halloween Treats – Food Safety

The stories have been around for decades: reports of razors, needles, poison, and even illicit drugs in kids’ Halloween candy. Thankfully, they are largely urban myths. In fact, a 2010 news report stated, “there has never been a documented case of a stranger poisoning kids’ Halloween candy.” That’s not to say that parents shouldn’t inspect… read more

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Landlord Caused Injures, Refuses to Pay

We all take steps to be safe. Unfortunately, you can be injured anywhere. Harm can come to you while you drive down the road, walk down the sidewalk and even in your own home. Some cases are clear-cut as to who caused your injury; but if you’re hurt in your own house, can another party… read more

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You did not sign away all your rights with that injury waiver

People participate in many physical activities, usually with an understanding of the associated risks and dangers. The activity could be mild, like riding in a go-kart or extreme, like bungee jumping or skydiving. It seems like everywhere you go, you’re being asked to sign a waiver to exclude someone from being sued. An injury waiver, also… read more

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Medical Apps – Who’s Responsible?

  FDA looking at mobile medical applications From programming your DVR to dealing with a car accident, these days there seems to be an “app” for everything. Now, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, when a mobile device runs certain medical applications, it will be subject to FDA oversight. The FDA has issued… read more

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FDA to Track Medical Devices

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a new rule requiring that most medical devices distributed in the United States carry a unique code. The code, also known as a unique device identifier (UDI), will include information about each specific device, including: model number, lot or batch number, serial number, the date the device… read more

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Woman Injured by Store Employee

You never know when an injury will become more serious. At the time of most accidents, injuries may seem less painful as adrenaline is flowing and the real pain has not set in. For one client this was all too true. She was injured in a department store by an employee who hit her in… read more

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FDA Shuts Down Ohio Drug Company

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that a federal judge has approved a consent decree of permanent injunction against Shamrock Medical Solutions Group of Lewis Center, Ohio for manufacturing and labeling violations. The company repackages and distributes drug products to hospitals across the country. A consent decree is a legal agreement between the… read more

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Personal Injury: Negligence per se Lawsuits

http://youtu.be/C1FXw92y8DY   Personal injury lawsuits are usually based on negligence. In a negligence claim, the plaintiff alleges that the defendant failed to use ordinary care. In order to prove negligence, you attorney must prove four basic elements: 1)      The existence of a duty owed to one person by another 2)      The failure of a person… read more

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What to Keep in Your Car in Case of an Emergency

by Arthur M. Elk No one likes to spend time thinking about the possibility of a life-threatening collision out on the road, but sometimes auto accidents are completely out of one’s control. If you’re involved in a car accident, experienced attorneys at our firm can handle any legal or financial ramifications. Unfortunately, I can’t be… read more

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Court revives J&J Whistleblower lawsuit

Former Johnson & Johnson executive claims he was fired for whistleblowing about product safety – he warned management 15 years ago that Ortho-Evra was dangerous. A three-judge appellate panel in New Jersey has overturned the dismissal of a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit filed against J&J and its subsidiary Ethicon by Joel S. Lippman. The former Ethicon… read more

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