Athetoid Cerebral Palsy


Athetoid cerebral palsy, also called dyskinetic cerebral palsy, makes up 10 to 20 percent of CP cases

The cerebral palsy lawyers at Elk & Elk Co., Ltd., want their clients to be informed about the types of cases they handle and about which medical conditions apply. With that in mind, we provide information and resources for our clients’ education.

Although we do have 50 years’ experience representing cerebral palsy victims, we are not medical doctors and do not intend this information to be used as medical advice. These Web resources, educational links and articles are for informational purposes only. You should seek a medical opinion from a trained, certified health care professional for any diagnoses.

Symptoms of athetoid CP

Symptoms of athetoid cerebral palsy include slow, uncontrolled, writhing movements of the hands, feet, arms or legs (athetosis). Patients also may have abrupt, irregular, jerky movements (chorea), a combination (choreoathetosis), or slow rhythmic movements with muscle tone abnormalities and abnormal postures (dystonia).

Patients’ face and tongue muscles may be affected, which may cause grimacing and/or drooling. Patients experience dysarthria (abnormal pronunciation) when the muscles controlling speech are affected. Hearing loss is often associated with this form of CP.

Cerebral palsy results from damage sustained by different parts of a developing brain. It can occur before, during and after birth.

Call 1-800-ELK-OHIO for a free consultation if your child suffers from athetoid CP

If you or someone you know has given birth to a baby diagnosed with cerebral palsy and the evidence points to substandard perinatal care, you may have a right to compensation to help you and your family deal with the lifelong costs and challenges associated with caring for someone with CP.

Give Elk & Elk’s medical malpractice lawyers a call at 1-800-ELK-OHIO for a free, no obligation case consultation, or contact us online. It’s fast. It’s free. There’s no pressure and if you do have a case, you will owe us nothing unless we have a successful outcome for you.

Athetoid Cerebral Palsy Facts

There are many types of cerebral palsy and the symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. One sign that a child may be affected by cerebral palsy is a delay in reaching developmental milestones. If you notice any of the following symptoms, you should talk to your doctor:

Two months old:

  • Difficulty controlling movement of head when picked up
  • Stiffness in legs, or crossing of legs when picked up

Six months old:

  • Difficulty controlling movement of head when picked up
  • Reaching with one hand while other hand is kept in a fist

Ten months old:

  • Difficultly crawling (may drag one hand or leg)
  • Difficulty or inability to sit by him or herself

Twelve months old:

  • Inability to crawl
  • Inability to stand unsupported

Twenty four months old:

  • Inability to walk
  • Inability to push a toy with wheels

(Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Cerebral palsy is caused by a brain injury or problem during pregnancy, birth or the first two to three years of a child’s life. Causes of cerebral palsy can include:

  • Problems associated with a premature birth
  • Deprivation of blood, oxygen or other nutrients before or during birth
  • Serious injury to the head
  • Serious infection such as meningitis
  • Genetic conditions

Often, the cause of cerebral palsy is not known.
(Source: WebMD)

Learn more about how Elk & Elk can protect the rights of your child

To learn more about CP and about your legal rights and options, call 1-800-ELK-OHIO to schedule a free consultation.