Birth Injuries

Should you be worried about birth injuries?

Anticipating the birth of your child probably includes some measure of anxiety about the process. Whether you plan to check in to a Washington hospital or birthing center, or have the baby at home, you may worry about all those things that are outside your control. No matter how natural the process seems, there are...

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What every parent should know about birth injuries

Every day, hundreds of Washington parents rely on the expertise and professional care of qualified doctors to safely facilitate the labor and delivery process. Unfortunately, sometimes mistakes are made or conditions are not ideal, and an infant may experience trauma and injury at birth. Parents who have a basic knowledge about what constitutes a...

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What is a uterine rupture?

Pregnancy is supposed to be a happy time, but sometimes things go wrong. If you are pregnant, it is smart to understand if you are at risk for certain complications. Your Washington doctor will likely review your medical history to determine if you are at risk for a complication, such as a uterine rupture.According...

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Causes of stillbirth

Although the majority of pregnancies in Washington result in a live birth, some women may worry that complications will arise. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 percent of pregnancies in the United States each year do result in a stillbirth. Although prenatal care has reduced the risk of a stillbirth...

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Lowering your risk of preterm labor

When a woman is pregnant in Washington, everyone hopes she will carry the baby for the full 40 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes, though, situations occur when a baby is born premature or too early. It is well-known in the medical community that preterm labor is to be avoided at all costs because babies are...

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What you need to know about the use of forceps during delivery

Doctors in Washington have to be prepared for every eventuality in the delivery room, and you should be able to trust that yours will make the right decision if something out of the ordinary arises. One of the tools that may be needed during delivery is the forceps, and when used correctly and in...

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Finding ways to cope when your baby is born premature

Whether you are welcoming your first child or your third, witnessing the birth of your baby is often filled with many emotions. If your baby has been born prematurely and is being cared for in the NICU, you may experience exceptionally intense feelings and concerns. At Elk & Elk, we have assisted many Washington...

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What you should know about birth injuries

The anticipation of the birth of your new child should be exciting and full of learning and adventure. However, these feelings can be instantaneously replaced with fear and anxiety if your child is the victim of a birth injury at the hands of your health care provider in Washington. At Elk & Elk Co,,...

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Taking control of your birthing experience

Whether you are delivering your first child or preparing to give birth to your third or fourth child, chances are you have felt some feelings of apprehension. As with many Washington parents, the health and safety of you and your infant is heavily reliant on the knowledge, education and professionalism of your health care...

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Understanding placental abruption

A mother suffering from a placental abruption in Washington requires medical attention right away. It is an emergency situation that needs immediate and quick care. Baby Center defines placental abruption as the detachment of the placenta from the uterus. The placenta is how the baby is nourished in the womb, so any disruption in...

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